Zübeyde, who went to Başulu, who was attacked, to get well soon, with the encouragement of Melikşah, encountered a great surprise. Because Başulu, whom Sencer went to as his mother, was none other than Başulu, the daughter of the Kipchaks who had been exiled from the palace years ago. What will be the attitude of Zübeyde, who will recognize Başulu from the first moment he sees it and learn the secret? Will he reveal this dangerous secret that he has become a stakeholder of to Melikşah?
On the other hand, with the arrival of Zübeyde to the palace, the balances in the palace changed against Terken, both from the position of chief hatun and had to move away from Melikşah. What will be the good news that will save Terken from this difficult situation she is in?
How will Markus, who severely injured Başulu, martyr Korkut Bey, and fall into the blood of many innocent people, get rid of Sencer’s revenge?
On the other hand, Hasan Sabbah jumped from the cliff to death to get rid of the wrath of Melikşah and Nizamülmülk who were chasing him. Who will be the person who will save Hasan Sabbah from the death he has fallen into? How will it save?
Will the gold that Sencer took from Faisal and seized in the name of the state lead him to the crusaders? Will Faisal turn out to be a traitor in this way? In what way will the Crusaders receive the gold taken from Faysal’s hands from the Seljuks?
Ilteber had seen Turna’s deplorable state and refused to allow her daughter to marry Faisal. Will Ilteber allow Turna to marry Sencer? What will be the reason for the coldness between Turna and Sencer?
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Episode Release date Monday, Jan 25, 2021

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